Favorite hikes of 2023

what a year!

Merry Christmas!

Wrapping up the year, I wanted to share my favorite hikes and travel experiences of 2023.

Traveling to Kotor Montenegro just before summer high season was a highlight in food and seaside hiking.

Meeting friends in for the Tour du Mont Blanc 5 day hike in the Alps was enchanting and not too hard.

But for a softer experiences, the Via Transilvanica in Romania really impressed us with the hospitality.

And of course our annual pilgrimage to a hut to hut hiking trip in the Dolomites was amazing, but we ran into a blizzard???

But the best was sharing a winter ascent of Mt. Toubkal in Morocco with with daughter and friends. It’s def a beginner “mountaineering” but very cool and easy to access less than 1.5 hours from the airport in Marrakech.

2023 Hiking Highlights

July 2024 👉 Crave the Planet is offering a Guided Dolomites Hut to Hut Hiking Tour

I have reserved 9 spaces in high elevation huts in the Dolomites for a 4 day trip the last week of July 2024.

I’m offering the first chance to reserve to the email list and then opening it to the public. Please reply to this email if you’re interested for this amazing opportunity.

Note: This tour will not be on the Alta Via 1. I will be guiding the trip personally and we will be hiking in a more remote and less crowded area south of Cortina d’Ampezzo.

You can find all previous tips here.

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Until next time…

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